2578 McLeod Dr. N. Saginaw, MI 48604

(989) 497-3157

Breast Implant Replacement


When performed by an exceptionally qualified provider like Dr. William Pittas, breast implant removal and replacement surgery can successfully resolve complications and beautifully revise your breast contours. We are recognized as a top provider of breast implant removal and replacement in Michigan.


types of breast implants

Breast implant removal and replacement is a commonly performed breast revision surgery. This procedure is designed for women who wish to swap out damaged, outdated, unwanted, or troublesome implants with a new set. It is typical for women to undergo implant replacement once or twice in the years following their initial breast implant surgery.

While breast implants are FDA-approved and considered a dependable and efficient solution for breast contouring, these devices are not meant to provide permanent enhancement. After approximately ten years, the integrity of the implant shell starts to diminish. Without replacement, shell deterioration can continue and eventually lead to a rupture.


If you are contemplating breast implant replacement for aesthetic, medical, or precautionary reasons, schedule a consultation with Dr. William Pittas to determine if this procedure is suitable for you. In your first meeting, we will discuss your reasons and goals for removing and replacing your breast implants.

Dr. Pittas will also assess your overall health. If you have an underlying medical condition that may impact your body's ability to heal, further screening may be required before determining your eligibility for the procedure.


There are various reasons why a patient may want or need to replace their current breast implants. We conduct implant replacement surgery to address aesthetic, functional, and medical issues, including:


Following the placement of a breast implant, it is common for scar tissue to develop around it. Typically, this capsular scar tissue aids in anchoring the implant securely and is not noticeable or palpable.

Nevertheless, in cases where the body's reaction to the implant is abnormal, an excess of dense, tough scar tissue can build up around the implant. In severe instances, the breast may feel rigid and firm, and the patient may encounter significant discomfort.


Breast implant exchange surgery is conducted to replace ruptured saline and silicone implants. While ruptured silicone implants typically do not alter the breast shape, the body can face negative reactions when exposed to the silicone implant contents, necessitating prompt attention.

In the event of a saline implant rupture, the sterile saltwater filling will leak into the body, causing the implant shell to deflate. Although the body can absorb the saline without complications, the aesthetic consequences are significant. To regain the lost volume, the implant must be removed and replaced.


In cases where your breast implants have rotated or shifted laterally, either inward or outward, it is essential to undergo removal and replacement to achieve a more natural appearance. Additionally, breast implant revision may be required if the implants descend below the breast crease, a condition known as "bottoming out." This process typically involves breast pocket revision and tissue repairs to reposition the replacement implants for enhanced aesthetics.


We have conducted implant removal and replacement procedures for numerous patients who unknowingly received their initial breast implants from an unqualified or inexperienced surgeon, resulting in disappointing outcomes. Poorly executed breast implant placement can lead to excessive scarring, asymmetry, unnatural contours, improper breast positioning, and other undesirable effects.


When a patient becomes unhappy with the breast shape achieved with their existing implants, implant replacement surgery can offer an excellent solution. We can replace a patient's current implants with ones of a different type, shape, or size to better align with the patient's aesthetic desires.


Once you've determined the appropriate type of breast implant for your needs, you can personalize your new appearance by selecting the size, level of projection, firmness, and shape of your replacement implants.


When selecting the ideal implant profile for you, it is crucial to consider your torso proportions and cosmetic objectives. The implant profile, which determines the level of projection, is determined by the width of the implant's base. Implants with wider base widths appear flatter, such as those with a low profile. On the other hand, high profile and ultra-high profile implants offer increased projection due to their narrower base widths. While implants with narrow bases may not achieve a natural look for those with a wide chest, they can be suitable for individuals with smaller frames.


You have the option to select from round saline implants, as well as round or teardrop silicone implants. Teardrop-shaped implants are crafted to mimic the natural curves of the breast, with greater fullness in the lower breast area and less volume in the upper region. In contrast, round breast implants offer enhanced volume in the upper breast, creating a beautifully feminine cleavage.


The cohesion of a breast implant plays a crucial role in determining the shape stability and softness or firmness of your breasts following implant replacement surgery. The firmness of a silicone implant is influenced by the type of silicone gel used in its construction. Traditional silicone implants feature a softer feel with thinner silicone gel, whereas gummy bear implants are firmer and maintain their form. Saline implants, which utilize sterile saltwater for volume, are the least cohesive implant material. Nonetheless, when positioned correctly, saline implants can produce results that look and feel as natural as silicone implants.


Following the removal and replacement of your breast implants, the size of your breasts will be influenced by the volume and profile of the new implants. Although this may be more complex than traditional bra cup sizing, our expert guidance will help you achieve your desired aesthetic outcome.


If you are satisfied with the appearance and feel of your current breast implants, you have the option to exchange them for a new, identical set. Alternatively, if you are seeking a change, we will collaborate with you to choose replacement implants that align with your preferences. To initiate the implant selection process, you must first determine your preference for implant type.

You can opt to replace your implants with saline, silicone, or cohesive silicone "gummy bear" implants. Samples of each implant type will be provided for you to compare and assess their movement and texture differences.

Dr. Pittas will also discuss the distinct characteristics of silicone and saline implants in relation to implant ruptures. While ruptures can occur with any implant type, ruptures in saline implants are typically easier to detect. Moreover, since the body can safely absorb sterile saltwater, a leaking saline implant is unlikely to cause any harmful effects on your health. In the event of a saline implant rupture, implant removal and replacement will be necessary to correct any flattened or irregular contours that may result.

When silicone implants rupture, there is typically no visible change in breast contour, unlike saline ruptures which may cause a deflated appearance. Ruptured silicone implants can be detected through an MRI scan. However, many patients may find the cost of frequent MRI screenings prohibitive, leading to undiagnosed and untreated cases of silicone implant rupture for extended periods.

Delaying treatment for a ruptured silicone implant can expose the body to leaking silicone over a prolonged period, potentially resulting in health complications. To reduce this risk, the FDA advises patients with silicone implants to undergo periodic precautionary MRI scans to screen for ruptures.


Your surgical plan will be tailored to your individual needs, taking into account factors such as your anatomy, previous breast surgeries, desired results, and other considerations. Prior to the procedure, we will go over your personalized surgical plan with you. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have, ensuring that you have a clear and accurate understanding of what to anticipate before, during, and after your surgery.

For your implant exchange surgery, you will be kept comfortable with either general anesthesia or IV sedation. During your consultation, we will recommend the most suitable type of anesthesia for you and provide explanations to help you understand our decision-making process.

Once you are under the effects of the anesthesia, we will proceed with the implant removal process by making the necessary incisions. Your surgical plan will outline the specific incision type that has been selected to best achieve your desired outcome.

Subsequently, your breast implants will be removed, any necessary repairs or adjustments to the breast pockets and surrounding tissue will be performed, and your new implants will be inserted. Following this, your incisions will be closed and dressed.


One of the most frequently asked questions from patients considering breast implant removal and replacement in Beverly Hills is related to the duration of the recovery process. Typically, your total recovery period will extend beyond an initial downtime of seven to 14 days.

The length of your breast implant replacement recovery may vary from another patient's based on your body's natural healing pace and how well you follow your postoperative care instructions.

For many women, recovery from breast implant removal and replacement is often quicker and less uncomfortable compared to their initial breast implant surgery. This is partly because primary breast augmentation involves more extensive tissue manipulation and pocket creation techniques, whereas implant replacement is usually less invasive.

During the initial phase of your recovery, you may experience peak soreness, swelling, and bruising which will gradually subside over the first one to two weeks. Prescription medications or over-the-counter pain relievers can assist in managing any discomfort you may experience.

Following your surgeon's instructions to wear a compression bra can help reduce swelling, provide support for faster healing, and maintain your new breast shape.

Aftercare practices such as lymphatic massage are strongly recommended post-breast implant revision surgery. This gentle therapy promotes swift healing and can help alleviate any discomfort you may feel during your recovery.


Breast implant removal is the only solution for cases involving ruptured implants, implant displacement, and severe capsular contracture. However, there is an alternative to implant replacement for restoring breast volume post-implant removal. We offer natural breast augmentation through fat transfer, which enhances and reshapes the breasts without the use of silicone or saline breast implants.

Furthermore, fat grafting can enhance the results of a breast implant procedure and potentially eliminate the need for implant removal and replacement. In certain instances, strategic injection of the patient's purified and PRP-enriched fat around the implant can lead to a moderate increase in volume, camouflage implant rippling, and address other minor cosmetic concerns.

Many women find fat grafting, or fat transfer, to the breasts appealing. In addition to achieving natural breast enhancement, patients can benefit from the slimming effects of liposuction. During the fat transfer procedure, stubborn body fat from areas such as the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, back, and abdomen is removed through liposuction. This fat is then repurposed to create the patient's fat injections.


The cost of implant replacement surgery in Michigan can vary significantly due to the personalized nature of the procedure. Factors such as the type of breast implants selected and the complexity of the surgery will influence the overall cost. Detailed pricing information, including anesthesia and facility fees, will be discussed with you once the surgical plan for your procedure has been determined.


If you are considering breast implant removal and replacement in Saginaw, contact our office to schedule your consultation with us. We look forward to helping you accomplish your breast contouring goals by providing unparalleled care at every step of the treatment process.

SOMA Face and Body


2578 McLeod Dr. N.,
Saginaw, MI 48604

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