2578 McLeod Dr. N. Saginaw, MI 48604

(989) 497-3157

Dimple Creation


Conveniently located to serve the areas of Saginaw, Midland, Bay City and all of the mid-Michigan area.

Many people consider cheek and chin dimples an attractive complement to a person’s smile and other facial expressions. Thanks to a minimal-downtime facial plastic surgery called dimpleplasty, or dimple creation, men and women of many ages can make these small indentations a permanent fixture of their facial appearance. Whether you want a single cheek dimple, a pair of cheek dimples, or a chin dimple, we can provide lasting and natural-appearing results with this procedure.


woman smiling

Explore the world of dimple creation with double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. William Pittas at Soma Face + Body in Saginaw, MI. Dimpleplasty, a facial plastic surgery procedure, offers patients the opportunity to enhance their facial appearance with cheek or chin dimples. Skilfully performed by a plastic surgeon, dimple creation surgery boasts a high patient satisfaction rate.

Dimples are charming divots in the skin of the cheeks or chin that add to the beauty of one's facial features, particularly when smiling. These natural indentations can be congenital, present from birth, or develop over time. Some individuals may even experience changes in the visibility of their dimples from childhood to adulthood.

Whether you seek to accentuate existing slight dimples or desire to create new indentations, dimpleplasty provides a personalized solution for achieving your aesthetic goals.


Discover if you are a candidate for dimple creation with double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. William Pittas at Soma Face + Body in Saginaw, MI.

Ideal candidates for dimple creation surgery are men and women who desire cheek or chin dimples and meet the following criteria:

  • Being in good physical health
  • Having realistic expectations about the outcomes of dimpleplasty
  • Undergoing the surgery for personal reasons rather than external beauty standards
  • Understanding the risks and benefits associated with dimple creation
  • Possessing sufficient volume in the cheek or chin area

During the consultation, Dr. Pittas will assess your facial structure and tissue to determine your candidacy for dimpleplasty. Patients with significant skin laxity, thin skin, or reduced facial volume may not be suitable candidates. Thick facial skin or excess fat in the treatment area can also make it challenging to achieve well-defined dimples.

Individuals seeking a chin dimple may not be ideal candidates if they lack chin projection. In such cases, a chin implant procedure may be recommended. A chin implant with a groove can not only create a dimpled chin but also enhance facial harmony and define the jawline.


There is not a simple answer to this question, since your face shape, the contours of your facial features, and your cosmetic goals are unique to you. Whether you have a clear idea of where you want your dimple(s) positioned or not, we can assist you in selecting the ideal cheek or chin dimple placement for you as part of your consultation.

Some patients know where they want their dimples and can indicate the specific locations they have in mind. Others come into their consultation with pictures of celebrities, siblings, or friends whose dimples they find aesthetically desirable and us to select the right dimple position for a similar look.

We consider many anatomical factors when working with patients to select their dimple position. The location of blood vessels and nerves, along with other functional concerns like facial muscle movements, must be taken into account to minimize the possibility of complications and accomplish a natural look.

When asked to mark their preferred dimple position, it is common for candidates to identify suboptimal dimple positions. Often, candidates point to a dimple position that is precisely where there is a high concentration of nerves and/or blood vessels.

In many cases, a candidate’s first choice for dimple position is often outside of the margins in which dimples occur naturally, such as too high on the cheeks. An aesthetic cheek dimple position is generally in line, laterally, with the uppermost part of your lips’ cupid’s bow and located on the cheek where it would intersect with a vertical line extending straight down from the outer corner of the eye.

We use a variety of methods to help patients visualize the effect of a particular dimple position. We also offer in-depth information about the pros and cons of a patient’s proposed dimple location and works closely with patients to finalize a plan for dimple placement that achieves their cosmetic goals in the safest way possible.


We can perform dimple creation surgery in-office. On average, dimpleplasty is a 30-to-60-minute procedure. It is considered an outpatient procedure, and you’ll be able to return home within a short time after your surgery.

When you arrive for your procedure, we will mark the planned dimple location(s). You will be able to look in the mirror, so you can adjust and/or confirm the placement of your new dimple(s). Once you are satisfied with the positioning, anesthesia will be administered.

Unless you are combining dimpleplasty with additional facial plastic surgeries, a local anesthetic can typically be used to prevent discomfort during the procedure. Once the anesthesia is active, we will begin the surgery:

Cheek dimple surgery – Working from the inside of the mouth, we will make a tiny incision in the cheek tissue. We will then excise a small amount of fat and muscle from the dermis. A sling-like suture will be used to tie the cheek muscle, called the buccinator muscle, to the outer layers of skin. This creates and secures the shape of your new dimple.

Chin dimple surgery – Chin dimple surgery requires an incision inside the lower lip followed by targeted removal of muscle and fat to form the indentation. Lastly, we will use a suture to connect the muscle to the outer layers of skin. As the incision heals, scar tissue will replace the suture, making the connection between the outer skin and the underlying muscle permanent.


Dimple creation involves very little downtime. Many patients are back at work and/or to their normal routine after about 48 hours. Others prefer to spend a few extra days away from social situations until there are fewer visual indications that they had a cosmetic procedure.

Minor swelling and tenderness are common for a few days after dimpleplasty. Swelling causes the dimple(s) to remain visible whether you are smiling or not, but this is a temporary condition. Ice packs can be placed over the treatment sites to minimize swelling. Soreness can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relief medications.

Until the incision sites inside the mouth heal, precautions must be taken to protect them from tension, pressure, and abrasions. A liquid diet is typically advised for the first day or so after dimple creation surgery. Cool or cold liquids are best, as hot liquids can exacerbate swelling. Soft foods can be reintroduced after about three days.

Steps must also be taken to reduce the risk of infection. It may be necessary to abstain from consuming milk products, due to their bacterial content, for a short time after your procedure.

Rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash twice daily is also necessary for promoting an expedient, efficient healing process. Based on your health, medical history, and procedure details, we may prescribe an oral antibiotic to further reduce the likelihood of infection.


Your new dimple(s) will be visible right away. As the area heals, the depth of the dimple will decrease until it reaches its intended, natural-looking final result.

While it may take several weeks for post-op swelling to completely subside, your new dimples will have settled considerably after a week or two. Subtle, ongoing changes can occur until the sites have fully healed. After healing is complete, our patients find that their dimples look incredibly natural and only appear when they talk or smile.

Dimple creation results are permanent. However, it is important to note that weight fluctuations can affect the appearance of your dimples if there are notable increases or decreases in facial fat.


Experience the superior dimple creation expertise of Dr. William Pittas in Saginaw.

Dimple creation surgery requires precision and skill to achieve natural-looking results. As a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in head, neck, and body procedures, Dr. Pittas possesses a deep understanding of facial anatomy and the intricacies of facial surgery.

Inexperienced surgeons may inadvertently damage facial nerves, create asymmetrical dimples, or produce results that look unnatural. By entrusting your dimple creation to Dr. Pittas, you can avoid these pitfalls and ensure a beautifully enhanced facial appearance. Our use of advanced surgical techniques minimizes the risk of complications and unsatisfactory outcomes, with a focus on preserving facial muscle movement and nerve function for optimal results.


The price of your dimple creation surgery will be discussed with you after we have designed your treatment plan. The patient’s facial structure, skin type, and various other factors impact the surgical techniques that we must use. In general, the greater the complexity of the surgery, the higher the overall cost will be.


Contact Soma Face + Body in Saginaw, conveniently serving Midland, Bay City, and all surrounding areas in Mid-Michigan, to schedule a consultation for dimple creation with Dr. William Pittas.

Take the first step towards achieving the dimples you desire by meeting with Dr. Pittas for a personalized consultation. Prior to your appointment, consider bringing photos that reflect your desired look to help communicate your goals effectively. Feel free to prepare a list of questions about the procedure to ensure you receive all the information needed to make an informed decision about dimple creation surgery.

SOMA Face and Body


2578 McLeod Dr. N.,
Saginaw, MI 48604

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